Frequently asked questions
We solve all your doubts about digital certificates and electronic signatures
Digital certificate
A digital certificate is an identification card that is issued to natural persons, legal entities or services. Together with the private key associated with the certificate, it allows electronic signatures to be made and to authenticate yourself in applications.
Uanataca issues qualified digital certificates in multiple formats (centralized, card, USB token, software / file p12).
Natural person
- Citizen: Certificate of natural person for authentication and electronic signature.
- Linked to a organization: Certificate of natural person belonging to organisation or company, intended for authentication and electronic signature.
- Associated: Certificate of registered natural person, intended for authentication and electronic signature.
- European format: Certificate of legal entity representative, suitable for the relationship between Spanish or European companies, intended for authentication and electronic signature.
- Of Legal Person: Certificate of representative of legal person, suitable to interact with the Spanish Public Administrations, intended for authentication and electronic signature.
- Of Entity without Legal Personality: Certificate of representative of entity without legal personality, suitable to interact with the Spanish Public Administrations, intended for authentication and electronic signature.
Yes, both a Registration Authority may register its users from any mobile device connected to the internet and end users are able to generate their digital certificates. "
A qualified electronic signature certificate is a digital certificate that contains cryptographic keys that are the necessary elements to sign electronically. These certificates have the objective of unequivocally identifying their holder and are issued by Trust Service Providers accredited and supervised by competent bodies. The eIDAS accreditation in the countries of the European Union for the issuance of qualified certificates is based on compliance with ETSI standards EN 319 401, ETSI EN 319 411-1 and ETSI EN 319 411-2.
Yes, all qualified digital certificates of Uanataca are accredited in all public administrations. With them you will be able to carry out all the operations in the respective electronic offices.
It is very simple. If you have many employees or clients who need digital certificates to operate with public administrations or for signing electronically and with all legal guarantees, you can be a Uanataca Registration Authority in less than 24 hours. For this we will give you a tool and training so you can do it quickly. If you need the issuance to be made from an application of yours, we can also give you free access to our API.
The purpose of the identification is to ensure compliance between the information present in the National Identification Document or Passport, the identity of the person and the information that will be incorporated into the digital certificate.
Uanataca's digital certificates can be issued in multiple cryptographic containers:
- Centralised Certificates in the Uanataca SignCloud (advanced electronic signature and qualified electronic signature).
- Certificates in Smart Cards (qualified electronic signature).
- Certificates in USB cryptographic Token (qualified electronic signature).
- Certificates in Software or File p12 (advanced electronic signature).
How does it do it? In the application for the issuance of digital certificates, we have implemented the Zero Paper functionality. You can issue certificates to your customers without generating paper and without having to guard it during the 15 years required by law. In order to do so we will give you the necessary training and you will not have to assume any additional costs. This functionality is available in the web application to generate digital certificates and also in the API to generate them from third-party applications.
Yes, the API is free and you can see the documentation at https://developers.uanataca.com/docs/ra
Call us at +34 935 272 290 or contact us via email comercial@uanataca.com Depending on the doubt, the sales, the technician or the operations team will answer you.
Through the virtual machine that we deliver to you and that will be installed in your infrastructure, we guarantee the confidentiality of the information to be signed. The original documents are sent to the virtual machine, then it makes the calculation of the hash (mathematical algorithm that transforms data blocks into a new series of characters) and sends it to the Uanataca service which is where the pure electronic signature is produced.
It is materially impossible to reconstruct the original document from the hash. Once the signed hash returns to the virtual machine, the electronically signed document is composed there. The original information never leaves your infrastructure.