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We solve all your doubts about digital certificates and electronic signatures
Legal and standards
The law gives legal validity to the electronic signature and can be used in any judicial procedure or public or private process. An electronic signature cannot be denied simply because it is in electronic format.
The eIDAS Regulation establishes three types of electronic signatures:
- Simple electronic signature.
- Advanced electronic signature.
- Qualified electronic signature.
- Simple electronic signature: its value is very limited and its effects can be denied if it is not sufficiently secure, the identity of the signer may not be guaranteed and is easily reproducible.
- Advanced electronic signature: its value is limited, it depends on the technology used and may be denied if it is not secure, and may not guarantee the identity of the signer and may be reproducible. Proving identity is more reasonable than simple.
- Qualified electronic signature: it is compared to the handwritten signature with maximum legal value. This type of signature guarantees the identity of the person signing and of the consent on the document being signed.
The burden of proof on the signature on a document rests with the contributor who wants to assert the signed document at trial. With the qualified electronic signature this charge is reversed and it is the person who has made the signature that must prove the veracity of it.
Uanataca will treat your data in accordance with European Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, for more information you can consult the privacy policy [url privacy policy].
Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014, which entered into force on July 1, 2016, establishes a legal framework across the EU for electronic signatures and a number of additional trust services. The intention of the eIDAS Regulation is to allow interoperable and secure electronic transactions across EU countries, for citizens, businesses and public institutions.
The graphometric signature is that electronic signature in which the signature path is captured using a tablet and added to the electronic document. Depending on the technology used, it can save the biometric data of it. It is therefore a simple electronic signature, and may sometimes reach an advanced electronic signature, and sufficient evidence of its process must be provided to justify the signer's identity and the integrity of the transaction.
On the other hand, the electronic signature based on electronic certificates issued by a Trust Service Provider, guarantees at all times the integrity of the document and the identity of the signer. When this is done by means of a qualified signature creation device (see a card or token) the qualified electronic signature unlike the graphometric signature, is equated in all legal aspects to the handwritten signature, guaranteeing its full legal value and enforceability of any document against third parties.
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