Discover the best digital signature solution
for your company
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Advantages of Uanataca
Maximum legality as a Qualified Trust Service Providers, eIDAS Regulations and GDPR compliance.
Innovation and development of own solutions under international standards.
Seamless digital experience on all types of devices and operating systems, optimize User Experiences.
Personalized customer service with free and unlimited test environment.
Quick API integration with your corporate tools and workflows.

Digitize your business reducing paperwork with Uanataca electronic signature services, automate and reduce Legal Risks of transactions and documents.
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Uanataca is a Qualified Trust Service Provider in the European Union

Uanataca is a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL)
Our clients trust is our motivation
Uanataca's Guarantees
At Uanataca we make it easy for you to take advantage of our service from day one, with no investment costs or high service fees.
Easy to integrate
A powerful high-level API to integrate the issuance of digital certificates and the electronic signature in flows and processes of your company to advance in the digital transformation.
With our service, you can remain stress free because your documents will have the utmost confidentiality, security guarantees and protection thanks to the integrated and audited services under the European eIDAS regulation and the ISO27001 standard.
Uanataca is a Qualified Trust Services Provider in accordance with European Union Regulation No 910/2014 regarding electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions (eIDAS).