Physical person
It is a qualified electronic certificate issued to a citizen. It guarantees your identity and allows you to carry out procedures that require you to authenticate at the electronic offices or electronically sign documents with full legal guarantees. The use of the digital certificate is restricted to its holder. It can be requested by any citizen of legal age regardless of their nationality provided they prove their identity by presenting an official document.
It is a qualified electronic certificate issued to an employee of an entity. It is requested by the legal or authorised representative of the company for its employees and links it as an employee of said entity. The employee will be the user of the certificate and can carry out personal procedures with it. The employee may not carry out procedures on behalf of the company. It guarantees your identity and your employment relationship with the company. It allows you to carry out procedures that require you to authenticate at the electronic offices or electronically sign documents with full legal guarantees. The use of the electronic certificate is restricted to its holder.
It is a qualified electronic certificate issued to a member of a professional college. It is requested by the legal or authorised representative of the professional association for its employees and links it as a member of said association. The collegiate will be the user of the certificate and may perform personal procedures with it. The collegiate cannot carry out procedures on behalf of the professional college. It guarantees your identity and links you to the professional college. It allows you to carry out procedures that require you to authenticate at the electronic offices or electronically sign documents with full legal guarantees. The use of the electronic certificate is restricted to its holder.