There are many advantages to the digitization of signature processes in business. However, the lack of solutions adapted to companies prevents many companies from utilizing electronic signatures universally.
In this article we explore 3 electronic signature solutions designed to successfully digitize signature processes in any company. And to dispel any doubts, we will clarify certain general questions about the use and guarantees of electronic signatures.
Electronic signatures: the first step to digitizing your business
Digitizing signature processes means using some digital technologies in order to convert traditional paper-based signature processes into more efficient, more productive ones with a greet user experience.
In fact, the main characteristics of a company with successfully digitized signature processes are:
- Cost reduction: the electronic signature is a 100% paperless tool. Once implemented, the company can save printing and associated costs, as well as those associated with the physical archiving of documents.
- Process improvement: the use of technology is aimed at eliminating, simplifying and automating repetitive tasks, achieving high levels of efficiency.
- Customer orientation: electronic signatures offer a 100% digital experience, aligned with the new needs of an increasingly digital customer.
- Increased productivity: e-signatures save time and increase employee efficiency, increasing productivity. Employees can dedicate more hours to more productive tasks, resulting in higher overall sales.
3 technological solutions to successfully digitize signature processes in your business
1.- One-Shot signature: sign contracts with your clients online and with maximum guarantees
In general, any type of contract can be signed with an electronic signature, from employment contracts to commercial contracts.
In the case of contracts concluded with customers, the tool chosen is decisive for the successful closing of sales or for guaranteeing the consent of the parties. It is therefore necessary to choose a signature solution adapted to the needs of the companies.
There are several requirements that the electronic signature solution must meet: simple integration, a flexible and scalable model, the best customer experience and maximum guarantees from both the tool used and the signature provider.
Taking into account the current needs of companies, Uanataca has designed One-Shot Signature, the single-use signature with digital certificate. Customers sign online and quickly with the guarantees of signing with a digital certificate, without the need to already have one.
In the current context, the transformation is not only on the side of companies, there is also an evolution in consumer consumption habits. Companies must make things easy for the customer with digital solutions aligned with their new habits, such as One-Shot Signature with Video ID.

2.- Bulk signature: signature of large volumes of documents
In most companies, one of the main disadvantages of manually signing large quantities of documents is the excessive consumption of resources, such as all the hours dedicated by employees. But it is not the only one; there is also the factor of human error, which has a direct impact on the quality of the product or service and, consequently, on sales.
Automation consists of mechanizing repetitive tasks, eliminating the inconveniences of manual processes. Although the concept of automation is different from that of digitization, both are complementary and share the objective of improving service delivery. For example, in the case of large volumes of documents or electronic transactions, it is possible to digitize the signature and automate the process, saving time and resources.
There are numerous cases of signature processes that can be automated. For example, in the education sector, the Bulk Signature allows the massive signing of Minutes, registers or even University Degrees.
3.- Interactive signature: electronic signature for employees from anywhere and at any time
Digital transformation has driven new technology-based work models and increasingly digital formats, enabling companies of all sizes to adopt remote and hybrid work practices. In any case, companies need flexible and scalable technology solutions that allow them to adapt quickly to the changing environment.
The Interactive Signature is an electronic signature solution designed so that employees can sign any type of document or transactions with a digital certificate. The signing of all types of documents can be done easily from any device, which benefits all employees, whether they work remotely or in the office.
Don't let paper signatures slow down your employees' activity! Contact us and we will provide you with personalized advice.
Everything you need to know about electronic signatures
⚖️ Is it legal to sign a contract with an electronic signature? The simple answer is yes: signing a contract with an electronic signature is legal .
The eIDAS regulation (Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament on electronic identification and trust services) states in Article 25 that the legal effects of an electronic signature cannot be denied simply because it is electronic, nor can electronic signatures be rejected in legal proceedings. Therefore, from the moment an electronic signature is used in a contract it is valid.
As for its evidentiary quality, this depends on the type of electronic signature chosen, being the qualified electronic signature the one with the highest evidentiary quality.
🔐 Is the information included in the signed documents completely confidential? Yes, all Uanataca services guarantee the confidentiality of the information.
During the signing process, the documents never leave the company, not allowing reconstruction outside the company.
In the signature process, what is actually signed is not the document itself, but the hash, which is a mathematical algorithm that is generated from the document. Be sure to read this post to find out what is a hash and what is its role in the electronic signature.
✔️ How can I know if an electronically signed document has been modified? By validating the electronic signature.
More and more companies are receiving an increasing number of electronically signed documents. The validation of the electronic signature is a complete process that allows:
- determine the integrity of the document, i.e. ensure that no changes have been made after the signature;
- the validation of the digital certificate and its temporary validity at the time of signing;
- the trust of the issuer of the certificate.