The year 2022 has been very special, full of emotions, changes and growth: Uanataca has been a pioneer in the field of Video Identification, we have joined the Namirial Group and we have built the first 360º ecosystem of digital trust services in Latin America.
In this post we summarise the achievements of a whole year and remember those initiatives in which we have actively participated with the common goal of achieving a more digital, reliable and sustainable future.
Video ID: pioneers in offering 100% online issuance of digital certificates
In 2021, after years of waiting, came the good news of the publication of Order ETD/465/2021, regulating in Spain the methods of remote video identification for the issuance of qualified digital certificates. Once Video ID was recognised, Uanataca was accredited by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation as the first certified Provider to issue qualified digital certificates remotely in Spain.
Spain was only the first step and thanks to the technology developed and the compliance with international standards and best practices, the issuance of Video ID Certificates has been incorporated into the new catalogue of services at an international level for all SaaS PKIs.
The possibility of being able to identify remotely in a reliable manner, avoiding any travel, offers greater speed and efficiency for any onboarding process with all the legal guarantees. Undoubtedly, this new identification method represents a major step forward that will make it easier for companies to digitise, with processes that ensure access to a secure, inclusive and interoperable digital identity.
Uanataca & Namirial: we join an unstoppable team that keeps on growing
The year 2022 has been a year of growth. Last April, Uanataca, as part of the Bit4id Group, joined Namirial, the largest trusted digital identity and e-services platform. Thanks to the solid growth of the Namirial Group, the platform now exceeds €100 million in revenue, has more than 800 employees and offices in 18 countries.
The first ecosystem of 360º digital trust services in Latin America (SaaS)
It is increasingly necessary for companies to centralise in a single point all the solutions they need to achieve digital maturity, improving their implementation, control and operations within their daily management.
The combination of Uanataca with Evicertia, a trust services provider with a long track record, has enabled the creation of the first ecosystem of 360º digital trust services in Latin America.
The sum of knowledge, talent and experience has helped us to develop a 360º service offering that covers all the needs that organisations, companies and freelancers may have in terms of digital identity, electronic trust services and certified communication. This complete range of services is available in Spain and Latin America.
Building a more digital and trusted future
For the fourth consecutive year, Uanataca has collaborated as an official partner of the IDForo Summit, the largest Ibero-American event on digital identity and e-services.
It has undoubtedly been a unique experience that has served as a platform to give a strong impetus to the future of digital identity and e-services in Ibero-America. We are very satisfied with the progress that has been made, as well as with our contribution to the development and consolidation of this meeting.

Digital transformation is a strategic priority in most industries. Therefore, at Uanataca we are focused on collaboration and dialogue as a means to achieve best practices and contribute to the creation of a secure and inclusive ecosystem.
With this same objective, different initiatives are promoted from the banking and financial sector with spaces such as CLAB2022, which this year was held in Santo Domingo, or 5b Digital Summit, in Guatemala. A representation of the Uanataca team had the opportunity to participate in both, collaborating as a speaker, contributing ideas and proposals and sharing the experience with great professionals and experts in technology and innovation.
We have also collaborated with other important spaces on digital identity, such as IDDay Costa Rica 2022, an initiative to give visibility to new trends in favour of innovation, usability and accessibility of digital identity and electronic services.
We continue to care for the environment
The global business world is moving towards sustainable digitisation. Year after year, companies renew their commitment to the conservation of the ecosystem, adopting or redesigning their corporate social responsibility policies.
Technology plays an essential role in the process of evolution towards a new, more sustainable, digital and efficient business model. Aware of the importance of meeting the environmental expectations of companies and society as a whole, at Uanataca we are committed to the challenge of providing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.
Considering the positive impact of going paperless in business, Uanataca's solutions are 100% Paperless. During 2022, the use of our e-signature solutions has saved 502 million sheets of A/4 paper, for a total of 2.5 million kilos of paper, or 2,500 tonnes of unused paper.
All these kilos saved represent a total of more than 22,000 trees saved, which means a reduction in CO2 emissions of between 200 and 600 tonnes of carbon dioxide. If we take into account the lifespan of each tree, which ranges from 15 years to over the millennium mark, the effect of the emission savings is prolonged over time.

If you walk together, you will go further. In 2023, our main objective will continue to be to accompany companies and facilitate their digital transformation with innovative solutions and maximum legal guarantees. The Uanataca team will continue to take digital identity development to the highest level to make 2023 an unbeatable year.