With a new year on the way, it is increasingly clear that integrating technology is the best way to revolutionize the business world. Especially in sectors as strategic as the financial industry, telecommunications (an industry that will exceed 1,428 trillion euros in 2023, as stated in BDO's Telecommunications Risk Factor Survey 2022 report) or the healthcare sector.
According to the consulting firm Gartner, one of the best known in the technology sector, the main trends that will be consolidated in 2023 are sustainability, the metaverse (its global market is expected to reach $996 billion in 2030 according to GlobalData) and much faster data processing. In the words of Gartner analyst David Groombridge: "Industries will be affected by environmental, social and governance expectations and regulations, which translate into a shared responsibility to apply sustainable technologies. Every investment will have to be balanced against its impact on the environment with future generations in mind".
And among other things, they also state that global IT spending will grow by 5% next year, reaching $4.6 trillion, and predict that the most technologically advanced companies will be immune to the recession or at least much more prepared than those that remain anchored to analog. Let's take a look at which technologies will help companies continue to evolve in 2023:
- Virtual Reality: Although virtual reality-related technologies have been with us for some time, it is believed that 2023 will be the year of their consolidation. Particular advances are being made in graphics processors, the power of electronic devices and the improvement of virtual reality devices. Few business areas escape its influence, but for example in the case of banking it becomes key when offering financial products, for the sale of real estate or even to simulate visits to physical offices.
- Wifi 7: the main features of this new wifi are ultra-fast speed (up to 2.4 times faster) and low latency. In addition, it has a multi-link technology capable of aggregating multiple channels with different frequencies at the same time. It is believed to be a breakthrough in replacing wired Internet connection.
- Web3: experts believe that we are facing the future of the Internet, a phase that will decentralize the use of the network. Until now, web2 is a system that allows the Internet to be controlled by companies that provide us with services in exchange for our personal data, which they store on their servers. But web3, based on the blockchain is configured by decentralized applications that run on the blockchain. Thanks to this, we can use them freely without sacrificing our personal data, censorship will be reduced, nor impersonation, which will increase the possibilities of online payments.
- Biometric passwords: one of the biggest data leaks is caused by the misuse of passwords, either by forgetting them or by theft related to repetition for different accounts. To put an end to this problem, initiatives such as the FIDO Alliance, an association of companies (including Apple, Meta and Google) are advocating the replacement of traditional passwords with biometric systems. These require face, voice or fingerprint detection. The idea is to be able to log in, for example, to our bank accounts, in the same way as we do on our mobile devices.
- Cryptography: cybersecurity will be another of the most used terms in 2023 and important advances are expected. Right now a specific cybersecurity known as "grid cryptography" is being developed. What do we achieve with it? Mainly to prevent leaks and theft of sensitive information by hiding user data within the complex algebraic structures that this technology allows. With it, companies will be able to offer greater security to their customers and especially to the digital users of their services.
- Qualified electronic signature: one of the best alternatives against phishing or identity theft is to continue consolidating among the business network specialized electronic services such as those offered by Uanataca. Through qualified electronic signatures and digital certificates, trust is provided and the profitability and business growth of companies is increased. These services are efficient and accessible and guarantee a secure digital identity.

Other technological trends for 2023 applied to the world of healthcare
1. Quantum computing: development of new quantum computers is expected to begin early next year. What are they capable of achieving? By solving problems such as chemical reactions through simulations, they can constitute a new tool for the creation of drugs. This breakthrough is certainly an incentive for the production process in factories while at the same time reducing emissions and thus ensuring sustainability. In addition, its influence will also be demonstrable in the reduction of product manufacturing time and R&D cost savings.
2. Machine learning: this technology is key to streamlining administrative and diagnostic processes by teaching devices to identify diseases using patient information and health data. In addition to saving time, it improves prevention. It is currently being applied in areas such as the analysis of geographies and is expected to increase in scope.
3. Voice recognition technology: these will be increasingly used both in diagnosis and in the performance of day-to-day administrative tasks. At the same time, research is being carried out into how some of the characteristics of patients' voices can help to detect their state of health.
4. Blockchain and artificial intelligence: through these technologies, large amounts of data can be managed much more efficiently. With better data analysis, better identification and prevention of possible diseases is also achieved.
5. Cancer research: the technological breakthrough we will reach in 2023 will be focused on fighting to shorten the race to cure cancer. More ambitious research will lead to earlier detection of the disease and the evolution of treatments. Systems such as gene editing or immunotherapy will reduce side effects and provide greater benefits in a shorter time frame.
These are just some of the technologies that will be available to the business world from 2023 and which are mainly aimed at improving productivity, saving time and costs.